Welcome to Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research


Welcome to Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research:
a message from the Editor-in-Chief

The establishment of Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research is long and overdue. With the rapid growth of qualified professionals in both basic and clinical medical sciences all over the world and in developing countries in particular, it was imperative that a new journal should be established to meet their needs. Furthermore, it is clear to most practitioners in developing countries that our practice varies from that of developed countries. These differences have made it difficult to publish in many established journals because it is often impossible to meet some of their demands. Clinical cases as well as approaches to their management also vary, hence case reports may be rejected because what is rare in Nigeria may be common in other countries. Coupled with these is the high cost of publication and the existence of predatory journals that frequently rip off many enthusiastic young researchers. These problems are more aggravated for many of our colleagues in the basic sciences where very few local journals exist in the country to cater for the publication needs. Therefore, when the Nigerian Medical Association Enugu State Branch decided to launch Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research it was welcomed with so much enthusiasm.
The scope of the journal as the name implies includes all areas of clinical medicine (surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, community medicine, ophthalmology as well and all branches of dentistry and laboratory medicine) and basic medical sciences (physiology, anatomy and biochemistry). The journal will also accept research works from the fields physiotherapy, physical and health education, environmental health and nursing which deals with patient care and improvement of patient outcomes. Annals of Clinical and Biomedical research seeks to publish peer-reviewed full-length original articles, case reports, editorials, reviews, short communications, invited commentaries and conference proceedings. With this range we are confident that readers will always have interesting article for their perusal in every volume.
A reference journal such as Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research should be supported by a vast and competent editorial board. With this in mind, we have selected an experienced range of clinical and basic scientists from within and outside the country. After much consultations, we selected scientists from Ghana, Cameroon, Uganda, USA and Sweden. It is our hope that as our team grows colleagues from Asia and other countries will join. The editorial team covers scientists from all spheres of clinical and basic sciences. We have also selected PAGEPress to partner with us in this journey towards greatness. With their expertise we believe that a large international audience especially from developing countries will have access to this new and exciting source of medical information. With hard work and dedication, we are convinced that in the next few years Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research will become one of the leading journals from Nigeria and the African continent. Welcome to Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research.

Birinus A. Ezeala-Adikaibe
Founder and Editor-in-Chief