Patterns and outcomes of Emergency Pediatric Unit admissions in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital in Sokoto State, Nigeria: a five-year review

Submitted: 15 April 2024
Accepted: 23 June 2024
Published: 26 August 2024
Abstract Views: 332
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Children are susceptible to illnesses that often require urgent medical attention, with attendant high mortality rates, especially in resource-constrained settings. Periodic audits in tertiary care facilities can guide preventive and therapeutic policies. The aim was to determine the admissions pattern and outcome over five years in the Emergency Paediatric Unit (EPU) of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), Sokoto, a major tertiary facility in North Western Nigeria. This was a retrospective study between January 2017 and December 2021. The admission records of children aged >1 month to 15 years were retrieved, relevant information extracted, and entered into a study proforma. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. There were 6088 admissions. Under-fives constituted 4448 (73.1%), and males were 3558 (58.4%). The median age was 24.0 months (Interquartile Range, IQR, 12, 60). Top admissions were severe malaria (1100; 18.1%), acute diarrhoeal disease (631; 10.4%), Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) (624; 10.2%), pneumonia (547;9.0%), Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) (438;7.2%), febrile convulsions (421;6.9%), pharyngotonsillitis (402;6.6%) and sepsis (398;6.5%). Total discharges were 2483 (40.8%), 2635 (43.3%) were transferred, and mortalities were 679 (11.2%). Case fatality rates of the top admissions were sepsis (19.6%), SAM (19.4%), severe malaria (13.7%), pneumonia (10.6%), febrile convulsions (5.0%), acute diarrhoeal disease (4.9%), pharyngotonsillitis (2.5%) and SCD (2.1%). SCD was the most common non-infectious morbidity and responsible for most re-admissions. Malaria was the top cause of mortality in all age groups except infancy, where sepsis and pneumonia predominated. In conclusion, malaria and other infectious diseases accounted for most admissions. Non-communicable diseases, like SCD, also constitute significant morbidity. Hence, policymakers need to scale up targeted preventive measures.



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How to Cite

Isezuo, Khadijat O., Usman M. Sani, Usman M. Waziri, Bilkisu I. Garba, Asma’u Adamu, Fatima B. Jiya, Baba Jibrin, et al. 2024. “Patterns and Outcomes of Emergency Pediatric Unit Admissions in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital in Sokoto State, Nigeria: A Five-Year Review”. Pyramid Journal of Medicine 7 (1).