Socio-demographic and clinical pattern of patients attending a neuropsychiatric hospital in Nigeria: A five-year retrospective study

Submitted: 8 January 2020
Accepted: 3 March 2020
Published: 7 September 2020
Abstract Views: 467
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Psychiatric disorders contribute significantly to disability worldwide. The various risk factors associated with their prevalence and outcomes are also influenced by the region individuals live in. This study was carried out to assess the sociodemographic and clinical pattern of patients attending a neuropsychiatric hospital. It was a retrospective descriptive study of patients managed for psychiatric disorders at the hospital. Medical case notes of 246 patients were selected by simple random sampling. A sociodemographic and clinical variables questionnaire was designed to collate the data. The mean age of patients was 29.1 years and consisted mostly of young adults. There was approximately an equal number of patients of both genders. Approximately 66.3% of the patients were married, and 98.4% had no formal education. More than half were unemployed and a great number (37.4%) was being managed for epilepsy. The report of a family history of mental illness was relatively low compared to other studies. The sociodemographic and clinical pattern of mental disorders are embedded in the regional and cultural settings patients find themselves and this may lead to unique or differing risk factors across study settings.



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How to Cite

Sale, Shehu. 2020. “Socio-Demographic and Clinical Pattern of Patients Attending a Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Nigeria: A Five-Year Retrospective Study”. Pyramid Journal of Medicine 3 (1).