An assessment of the effects of social media on academic performance in selected secondary schools: a case study of Wabari District, Banadir, Mogadishu-Somalia

Published: February 12, 2024
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Background. This study concentrated on finding out how social media (SM) affects academic performance in some secondary schools in the Wabari district of Banadir, Mogadishu, Somalia. The study also wanted to find ways to motivate students to do better in school and recognize students for their good behavior, effort, and discipline. Methods. A cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative research methodology were all used in this study. 110 people responded to the study. 86 people responded to the sample size calculation in this study, which was based on Slovin’s algorithm. A structured questionnaire was used as the study tool, and the sampling method was non-probability. The statistical tools aligned SPSS software with the objectives of the research. For this purpose, frequency tables, percentages, and also charts were presented. Results. The findings of the study revealed much of the modern academic discussions, and academic performance, and how it affects SM with the students. We went to schools and saw different students with different academic performances. SM is to blame for the difference. This shows that students who don’t use SM a lot do better in school than students who do use it a lot. Conclusions. The study recommended that at school, among colleagues, or at the university level there should be qualified and competent teachers/lecturers who have knowledge and mastery of the subject matter and teaching strategies, the government should give training to the teachers/lecturers through the directorate of staff development. It should organize induction training, courses, seminars, and workshops on new teaching methods and their implementation in schools. Parents should make sure their kids have the tools and opportunities to learn at home in this subject, and parents and teachers should improve their communication to help students do well in school.



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How to Cite

Dahie, A. M., Tarabi, A. A., Duqow, M. I., Abdi, I. A., & Mohyadin, F. H. (2024). An assessment of the effects of social media on academic performance in selected secondary schools: a case study of Wabari District, Banadir, Mogadishu-Somalia. Somali Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 1(1). Retrieved from