Influence of government supervision on teacher’s performance in two selected public secondary schools of M. Haibeh and Ga’an Libaah districts of Hargeisa City, Somaliland

Published: November 14, 2023
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Supervision was concerned with supporting and assisting teachers to improve instructions through changing their behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of supervision on teacher performance. The problem of the study was poor supervision in the Public Secondary of M. A. Ali and Ga’an Libah schools in Hargeisa City. It was therefore necessary to ascertain the influence of supervision on the teachers’ performance in these secondary schools. The study particularly investigated specific objectives: guidance, counseling, and monitoring in these public secondary schools in Hargeisa City. Guided by theory X and theory Y by McGregor (1960), the study adopted a cross-sectional survey design on a simple random sample of 55 respondents in the two public secondary schools. The study found that there were significant guidance on teacher performance [F (1, 55)=3.90, P=.000, R2 = 122, R2 adj. = .116,], counseling had significant influence on teacher performance, [F (1, 55)=3.90, P=.001, R2 = .077, R2 adj. = 0.07] and monitoring [F (1, 55)=3.90, P=.000, R2 adj. = 0.09]. The study concluded that there was a significant influence of supervision on teacher performance in these public secondary schools in Hargeisa City. It was recommended thatthe head teachers should strive to be role models worth imitation and should make monitoring and evaluation activities frequently on teachers to improve the teaching-learning process, besides the researcher mentioned that the Ministry of Education and Science in Somaliland must make regular guidance to improve teachers’ performance in these public secondary schools. This study aimed to propose other studies of supervision factors on teachers’ performance in public secondary schools because without this information poor teacher performance could continue unchanged.



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How to Cite

Geereh, M. A. (2023). Influence of government supervision on teacher’s performance in two selected public secondary schools of M. Haibeh and Ga’an Libaah districts of Hargeisa City, Somaliland. Somali Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 1(1). Retrieved from